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Saturday, September 2, 2023

.Net Core Interview Questions and Answers List

.Net Core Interview Questions and Answers List


Are you preparing for the .Net Core Interview? If yes, then you are at the right place. This is the ASP.Net Core Interview Questions and Answers article series. Here we will see the Top 200+ .Net Core Interview Questions with Answers. 

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I have already posted all the .Net Core Interview Questions and Answers article series. Here we will see the .Net Core Interview Questions Summary and the particular part link so that you can walk through the answer to the particular interview question directly.

Please read the following important Interview Questions and Answers article series list here: 

 .Net Core Interview Questions And Answers List 

Q001. What is the .Net Framework?
Q002. What is .NET Standard?  What are the different versions of the .Net Standards?
Q003. What are the different versions of the .Net Framework?
Q004. What is .NET Core?
Q005. What are the different versions of .Net Core?
Q006. What are the advantages of .NET Core?  Why .Net Core should be preferred?
Q007. What are the new features of .Net Core?
Q008. What are the key changes in .NET Core compared to the .NET Framework?
Q009. What are discontinued Technologies in .NET Core? What are the things that are removed from .Net Core?
Q010. Does real-time application support by .Net Core?
Q011. What are .Net 5 and .Net 6? How they are different from .Net Core? Why did Microsoft skip ".Net 4" and give the name ".Net 5"? 
Q012. What is the Mono Framework? What is the difference between Mono and .Net Framework?

Q013. What is the difference between .NET Framework and .NET Core?
Q014. What is the difference between .NET Core and .Net 5?
Q015. What is CoreFx in .Net?
Q016. What is CoreCLR? 
Q017. What is .NET Native?  What are the advantages of .Net Native?
Q018. What is the UWP (Universal Windows Platform) App in .Net?
Q019. What is TFM (Target Framework Moniker) in .Net Core?
Q020. What is NuGet? What are the advantages of the inclusion of NuGet Packages in .Net Core?
Q021. What is the difference between Implicit and Explicit Compilation?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?
Q022. What is MSBuild and how does it work with .NET Core? 

Q023. What is ASP.NET Core? 
Q024. What are the key features or characteristics of ASP.Net Core?
Q025. What is the difference between ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core?
Q026. What are the advantages of using ASP.NET Core over classic ASP.NET?
Q027. When do you choose classic ASP.NET over ASP.NET Core?
Q028. What is ASP.NET Core MVC?
Q029. What is the ASP.NET Core application life cycle?
Q030. Can ASP.Net Core work with the .NET framework? 
Q031. Can ASP.Net Application run in Docker Containers?
Q032. How many types of Single-Page Application (SPA) templates are provided by the .Net Core?

Q033. What is Blazor? What are the advantages of Blazor?
Q034. What is the difference between Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly?
Q035. What is the use of the UseDeveloperExceptionPage() in .Net Core?
Q036. What is Transfer-Encoding in .Net Core?
Q037. What is ASP.Net Core Identity?
Q038. What is the difference between Stateful and Stateless authentication in .Net Core?
Q039. What is the difference between OpenID, OAuth, and SAML?
Q040. What is the Ok() helper method in ASP.NET Core?
Q041. What is NotFound() helper method in ASP.NET Core?
Q042. What is the BadRequest() helper method in ASP.NET Core?

Q043. What is a Web Server? Which WebServer is used in ASP.NET Core?
Q044. What is IIS? What is the difference between IIS and IIS Express?
Q045. What is the Application Pool (App Pool)? What is the Worker Process?
Q046. What is the difference between Web Form vs Web Garden?
Q047. What is Kestrel in .Net Core? 
Q048. Why Kestrel is required in .Net Core? What is the difference between InProc vs OutProc Hosting?
Q049. What are the advantages of using the Kestrel web server in .Net Core? 
Q050. What is the difference between IIS vs Kestrel? Why do we need two web servers in .Net Core?
Q051. How can you install the Kestrel Server in .Net Core?
Q052. What is the difference between UseIISIntegration vs UseIIS in .Net Core? What is their use?

Q053. What is WebListener? When you should use WebListner?
Q054. What is a Self-Hosting or Self-hosted Web Application?
Q055. What is Host in ASP.NET Core? What is the difference between Host vs WebHost?
Q056. What is a Generic Host in .NET Core? 
Q057. What is the IWebHost interface in ASP.NET Core?
Q058. What is the WebHostBuilder() method in .Net Core? What is the difference between HostBuilder vs WebHostBuilder?
Q059. What is the use of IWebHostEnvironment? What is the difference between IWebHostEnvironment vs IHostingEnvironment in .Net Core? Why Server.MapPath() not working in ASP.Net Core?
Q060. What is HttpContext? How to access HttpContext in ASP.NET Core?
Q061. What is the Application Startup Process in Core? What is the use of startup.cs file in ASP.Net Core?
Q062. What is the use of Program.cs class in MVC.Net core?

Q063. What is the ConfigureServices() method in .NET Core? Is it mandatory to define the ConfigureServices method? Where does the ConfigureServices() method defined in the .Net Core application?
Q064. What is the Configure() method in .NET Core? Where is the Configure() method defined in the .Net Core application?
Q065. What is the difference between the ConfigureServices() vs Configure() methods of the Startup.cs class? 
Q066. What is the use of the .csproj file in .Net Core? How it is different from the traditional ASP.Net's .csproj file?
Q067. What is the wwwroot folder in ASP.NET Core? Why it is required?
Q068. How does ASP.NET Core serve static files? What is FileServer middleware in ASP.Net Core?
Q069. What are Configuration files? How does Application Configuration work in ASP.NET Core?
Q070. What is the default Configuration Files loading order in .Net Core? 
Q071. What are configuration JSON files in ASP.Net Core?  Why the web.config files are removed from the .Net Core?
Q072. What are the different JSON Configuration files available in the ASP.Net Core project?

Q073. What is the use of the launchSettings.json file in ASP.NET Core?
Q074. What is the use of a global.json file in ASP.NET Core?
Q075. What is the use of the appsettings.json file in ASP.NET Core? 
Q076. What is the use of the bundleconfig.json file in ASP.NET Core?
Q077. What is the use of the project.json file in ASP.NET Core? How it is different from the project.lock.json file?
Q078. What is the use of the bower.json file in ASP.NET Core?
Q079. What is the use of package.json in ASP.NET Core?
Q080. What is the appsettings.Environment.json file in .Net Core?
Q081. What is the Environment Variable in ASP.NET Core? How can you read the Environment Variables?
Q082. How to use multiple startup files based on environments in ASP.NET Core?
Q083. What is DbContext in .Net Core? How can you define the database connection string in ASP.Net Core?

Q084. How can you read values from JSON configuration files?
Q085. What is the difference between GetSection(),  GetValue(), and Value in ASP.NET Core?
Q086. What is the Options Pattern in ASP.NET Core? What is Option Class?
Q087. What is the Bind() method in ASP.NET Core? How you can read an array configuration file in .Net Core?
Q088. How you can read an XML configuration file in .Net Core? What is XMLConfiguration Provider in .Net Core?
Q089. How you can read the JSON configuration file in .Net Core? What is JSON Configuration Provider in .Net Core?
Q090. How can you use the configuration in MVC View in .Net Core? 
Q091. What is an In-Memory configuration provider in .Net Core? 
Q092. How can you read config values from CLI in .Net Core? 
Q093. What is the difference between Host and App Configuration in ASP.NET Core?

Q094. What is Middleware in ASP.NET Core? How it is different from HttpHandlers and HttpModules of classic ASP.Net?
Q095. What is the use of the Middleware in the ASP.Net Core App?
Q096. Where the Middlewares are registered in the .Net Core Application?
Q097. What is the order of Middlewares in the .Net Core App? Why ExceptionHandler middleware is placed very first in ASP.NETCore?
Q098. How can you configure the Middleware Component in ASP.Net Core? What is the use of the Configure() method?
Q099. What is Request Delegate in .Net Core?
Q100. What is the difference between app.Use() vs app.Run() methods in .Net Core? 
Q101. How to Configure Middleware Components using the Use() extension method?
Q102. How to Configure Middleware Components using the Run() extension method?
Q103. What is the use of next.Invoke() method in .Net Core? What are the limitations of using this?

Q104. What is Forwarded Headers Middleware in .Net Core? What should be their order in the middleware?
Q105. What is the difference between MapGet() and Map() methods?
Q106. What are the different built-in middlewares in ASP.Net Core?
Q107. How can you create your own custom middleware and register it in the middleware in .Net Core?
Q108. What is the difference between IMiddleware and IMiddlewareFactory Interface? When we should use Factory-Based Middleware in the .Net Core?
Q109. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous middleware?
Q110. How can you configure multiple middleware in .Net Core?
Q111. How can you configure the default file in the .Net Core Application?
Q112. What is the difference between Httphandler, Httpmodules, and ASP.NET Core Middleware?
Q113. How can you disable middleware in ASP.NET Core?

Q114. How does the next parameter of the delegate know how to call the next piece of middleware in the HTTP processing pipeline?  What is the Request Delegate in .Net Core?
Q115. How can you register a middleware in the .Net Core application?
Q116. What is Conditional middleware? How can you add conditional middleware in .Net Core?
Q117. What are Request Feature Interfaces and Feature Collections? What are the different feature properties of HttpContext? 
Q118. What is URL Rewriting? What is the difference between URL Redirect vs URL Rewrite?  
Q119. How can you add URL Rewriting Middleware in .Net Core? How it is different from traditional ASP.Net Core Rewriting?
Q120. How can you get parameters from the Requested URL in ASP.Net Core? 
Q121. What is Model Binding in ASP.Net Core Application? 
Q122. What is the use of the [BindRequired] attribute in ASP.Net Core?
Q123. What is the [BindProperty] attribute in the ASP.Net Core Application?

Q124. What are the different ways to handle Errors and Exceptions in .Net Core applications? 
Q125. What is the use of app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage() middleware in .Net Core applications? 
Q126. What is the difference between UseDeveloperExceptionPage and UseExceptionHandler?
Q127. What is the app.UseStatusCodePages() middleware  in ASP.NETCore?
Q128. What is UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects middleware? What is the difference between UseStatusCodePages and UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects?
Q129. What is UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute middleware? What is the difference between UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute and UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects? 
Q130. What is the SkipStatusCodePages attribute in ASP.Net MVC Core?
Q131. What is AddDatabaseDeveloperPageExceptionFilter() in ASP.Net Core Application?
Q132. What is the difference between Exception filters and built-in UseExceptionHandler middlewares in ASP.Net Core?
Q133. How can you handle model validation errors and exceptions in ASP.Net Core applications?
Q134. How can you handle client responses for the user-defined custom exceptions? What is ProblemDetailsFactory middleware?

Q135. How does logging work in .Net Core? What are the different log providers in .Net Core?
Q136. What are log levels? What are the different log levels available in .Net Core?
Q137. How can you configure logging in ASP.Net Core applications? 
Q138. How can you write the log files in the text file in ASP.Net Core applications using logger?
Q139. What is LoggerMessage in ASP.Net Core? How it is different from a Logger?
Q140. What is the model state? What is the difference between model binding and model validation in ASP.Net MVC Core?
Q141. What is model validation in ASP.Net Core?
Q142. What is Model Level Error Message in ASP.Net Core? How can you add a custom model error?
Q143. How can you create a Custom Model Validation Attribute in ASP.Net Core?
Q144. What is the Validation attribute? What are Data Annotations? 

Q145. What are the different built-in validation attributes available in ASP.Net MVC Core?
Q146. How can you display validation errors in ASP.Net Core applications? What is the difference between asp-validation-summary and asp-validation-for tag helpers?
Q147. What is the difference between Client-Side and Server-Side Validation?
Q148. What is Remote Validation in ASP.Net Core?
Q149. What is the behavioral difference of [Required] attribute from ClientSide to Server Side validation?
Q150. How to assign a null value to the DateTime object?
Q151. What is the use of the nullable Required attribute? Why do we need this?
Q152. How can you disable client-side validation in ASP.Net Core MVC?
Q153. What is Razor Page in .Net Core?
Q154. What is the @page directive in ASP.Net Core MVC?
Q155. What is the use of the Pages folder in ASP.Net Core MVC? 

Q156. What is dependency injection? What problems does Dependency Injection solve?
Q157. How to implement Dependency Injection in .NET Core? How does dependency injection work in ASP.NET Core?
Q158. What is the built-in IoC Container in ASP.Net Core?
Q159. What are service lifetimes in .NET Core?  
Q160. What is the difference between AddTransient(), AddScoped(), and AddSingleton in .Net Core?
Q161. What are the different ways to inject and access the registered services in the DI container?
Q162. How can you register and use the Entity Framework Context in the ASP.Net Core?
Q163. How do the services disposed from the built-in IoC container of the .Net Core? 
Q164. How to register a service with multiple interfaces in ASP.NET Core DI?
Q165. How to implement the Repository Pattern in the ASP.Net Core project?

Q166. What is Entity Framework Core? How can you use Entity Framework Core in ASP.Net Core?
Q167. What is Database or EF Core Migration in ASP.Net Core? Why do we need the DB Migration? 
Q168. What is CORS? How to enable CORS in ASP.NET Core?
Q169. How can you enable CORS by using middleware in ASP.NET Core? What is the use of UseCors() middleware?
Q170. How can you enable CORS by Endpoint Routing in ASP.NET Core? 
Q171. How can you enable CORS by Attributes in ASP.NET Core? 
Q172. How can you specify the CORS for multiple subdomains in the ASP .Net Core app? What is the SetIsOriginAllowedToAllowWildcardSubdomains method?
Q173. How can you specify the CORS only for the GET type method in the ASP .Net core?
Q174. How can you disable the CORS in the ASP.Net Core app?

Q175. What is Routing? How does routing work in ASP.Net Core? 
Q176. What is the difference between Route, RouteCollection, and Route Handler?
Q177. What is the difference between UseMvcWithDefaultRoute() method and UseMvc() middleware in ASP.Net Core MVC?
Q178. What is the difference between MapControllerRoute vs MapDefaultControllerRoute vs MapControllers in ASP.Net Core MVC?
Q179. What is Route URL Pattern in ASP.Net Core MVC?
Q180. What is Default Route? How can you define multiple routes in ASP.Net MVC Core?
Q181. What are the different types of routing in ASP.Net Core?
Q182. What is Conventional-based Routing in ASP.Net Core?
Q183. What is Attribute-based Routing in ASP.Net Core?
Q184. What is the use of UseRouting() middleware in ASP.Net Core? How it is different from UseEndPoints()?

Q185. What is the difference between Routing in ASP.Net Core 2.0 and ASP.Net Core 3.0?
Q186. What is the End Point? What is End Point Routing in ASP.Net Core?
Q187. How does the End Point Routing work in ASP.Net Core MVC?
Q188. How can you define endpoints in ASP.Net Core?
Q189. What is UseEndpoints() middleware in ASP.Net MVC Core?
Q190. What is POST Tunneling Middleware in ASP.NET Core? What is UseHttpMethodOverride() middleware in ASP.Net Core?
Q191. How can you enforce HTTPS in the ASP.NET Core Project?
Q192. What is OWIN? How can you use OWIN in ASP.NET Core?
Q193. What is SignalR in ASP.NET Core?
Q194. What is a Secret Manager in ASP.Net Core?

Q195. What is XSRF and CSRF attack? 
Q196. What is an Anti forgery Token? How does ASP.Net Core prevent XSRF/CSRF attacks?
Q197. What is Tag Helpers (TagHelpers) in ASP.Net Core? 
Q198. What is FormTagHelper in ASP.NET Core? 
Q199. What are self-closing tag helpers in ASP.Net Core?
Q200. What is API Documentation in ASP.Net Core? What are the different ways to generate API Documentation?
Q201. What is Swagger? How can you integrate it into ASP.Net Core?
Q202. What is OpenAPI Specification?
Q203. What is the difference between OpenAPI and Swagger?
Q204. What is the @page directive?

Q205. What are the different ways of the Session and State management in ASP.NET Core?
Q206. What are cookies? How can you enable cookies in ASP.Net Core?
Q207. What is a Session State? How can you enable the session state in ASP.Net Core?
Q208. What is caching or response caching? How can you enable caching in ASP.Net Core?
Q209. What is an In-Memory cache? How can you use the in-memory cache in ASP.NET Core?
Q210. What is Cache busting? How Cache busting is handled in ASP.NETCore?
Q211. What is a Query String?
Q212. What are Hidden Fields?
Q213. What is TempData?
Q214. What are the different ways to pass data from controller to view in ASP.Net Core?

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