Tech Point Fundamentals

SQL Interview Questions and Answers Videos

All SQL Interview Videos Playlist

What is the difference between COUNT(*) vs COUNT(1) vs COUNT(col) and COUNT(*) vs COUNT_BIG(*) in SQL?

What is the difference between INSERT INTO and SELECT INTO Clause in SQL?

What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING Clause in SQL?

What are the difference ways to delete duplicate records in SQL?

What is the difference between ROW_NUMBER, RANK, and DENSE_RANK functions in SQL?

How can you get the 3rd highest salary in SQL?

What is the difference between ISNULL and COALESCE in SQL?

What is the difference between LEN() and DATALENGTH() in SQL?

What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE commands in MS SQL?

What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL in MS SQL?

What is the difference between FULL JOIN and CROSS JOIN in SQL?

What is the difference between IN() and NOT IN() operators in SQL?

What is the difference between the ON clause and WHERE clause in SQL?

What is the difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT OUTER JOIN with WHERE condition in SQL?

What is the difference between INNER JOIN, IN() and EXISTS() operator in MS SQL?

What is the difference between SubQuery and Co-Related SubQuery in MS SQL?

What is the difference between INTERSECT and EXCEPT SubQuery in MS SQL?

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