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Saturday, September 9, 2023

Most Frequently Asked Angular Interview Questions

Most Frequently Asked Angular Interview Questions


Angular is a popular open-source single-page application design framework and development platform. It is a robust front-end JavaScript framework that is widely used for front-end application development. Nowadays Angular is a very popular frontend technology so it is very common for the interview point as well. Here we will see 100+ Most Frequently Asked Angular Interview Questions.

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Most Frequently Asked Angular Interview Questions

Q001. What is Node.js?
Q002. What is NPM?
Q003. What is Angular?
Q004. What is Angular CLI?
Q005. What are the differences between AngularJS and Angular?
Q006. How do you upgrade the Angular version?
Q007. What is Single Page Application (SPA)? What are the advantages of using Angular for SPA?
Q008. What is TypeScript?
Q009. What is the difference between jQuery and Angular?
Q010. What are Angular building blocks? What is the structure of Angular App?

Q011. What is metadata in Angular?
Q012. What are decorators in Angular? What are the different types of decorators in Angular?
Q013. What are the differences between Angular Decorator and Annotation?
Q014. How does an Angular application work?
Q015. What are the lifecycle hooks of Angular?
Q016. What is ngOnInit()? How is it defined? 
Q017. Which port by default, does the angular use? How can you change the port number?
Q018. What is the difference between a constructor and ngOnInit in Angular? Which one is executed first?
Q019. What are the Components in Angular?
Q020. What are Modules in Angular? What are the advantages of modules in Angular?

Q021. What are Services in Angular?  Why one should use it?
Q022. What is the difference between the service() and factory() functions?
Q023. What is Dependency Injection? How does dependency injection work in Angular?
Q024. How do you provide a singleton service in Angular?
Q025. What is data binding in Angular? Which type of data binding does Angular use?
Q026. What are the different types of data binding used in Angular?
Q027. What is the difference between Property Binding and Event Binding?
Q028. What is two-way data binding in Angular? What are the disadvantages of two-way data binding?
Q029. What is String Interpolation in Angular?
Q030. What is HttpClient in Angular? What are its benefits?

Q031. What are Interceptors in Angular? What are HttpInterceptors in Angular?
Q032. What are Directives in Angular? When to use a directive?
Q033. What are the different types of directives in Angular?
Q034. What are structural directives? What are the different structural directives in Angular?
Q035. What is the purpose of *ngIf, *ngFor, and *ngSqitch directives?
Q036. What is the difference between ngIf and hidden property?
Q037. What is the difference between ngModel and ngModule in Angular?
Q038. What are RxJs in Angular?
Q039. What is the difference between Promises and Observables in Angular? 
Q040. What are Observables in Angular? What do you understand by observable vs observer in Angular?

Q041. What is multicasting in Angular?
Q042. What is Promise in Angular?
Q043. What is the best way of Error handling in Angular? How do you deal with errors in observables?
Q044. What is declarable in Angular?
Q045. What is a bootstrapping? What is a bootstrapping module?
Q046. What is a bootstrapped component? Is it necessary for a bootstrapped component to be an entry component?
Q047. What is Change Detection, and how does the Change Detection Mechanism work?
Q048. What is the purpose of the base href tag?
Q049. What is an Angular Router? What do you understand by the router imports?
Q050. How can you define routes in Angular?

Q051. What is the purpose of the Wildcard route?
Q052. How do you get the current route?
Q053. What do you understand by scope in Angular? What is the concept of scope hierarchy in Angular?
Q054. What is the difference between Eager Loading and Lazy Loading in Angular? 
Q055. What is lazy loading in Angular? How do you implement lazy loading in Angular?
Q056. What is eager loading in Angular?
Q057. What are Pipes in Angular? How do you chain pipes?
Q058. What is a custom pipe? How can you create your own custom Pipe?
Q059. What is the difference between pure and impure pipe?
Q060. What are filters in Angular?

Q061. What are Templates in Angular?
Q062. What is the difference between an Inline Template and an External or Linked Template?
Q063. What is the difference between Template-driven and Reactive forms?
Q064. What are Reactive forms in Angular?
Q065. What are Template-Driven Forms?
Q066. How will you set, get, and clear cookies in Angular? 
Q067. Can you use a script tag within a template? What happens when we use the script tag within a template?
Q068. Why do we need a compilation process? What are the different types of compilation in Angular?
Q069. What is an AOT compilation? What are the advantages of AOT compilation over JIT?
Q070. What is the difference between AOT and JIT?

Q071. What are Annotations in Angular?
Q072. What is view encapsulation in Angular?
Q073. What is Bootstrap? How is it embedded into Angular? 
Q074. What does Angular Material mean?
Q075. How do you choose an ancestor from a component template?
Q076. What are the different ways to communicate between application modules using core Angular functionality?
Q077. How do you share data between components in Angular?
Q078. How can you share the data from the Parent to Child Component?
Q079. What are the advantages of Angular over React?
Q080. What is MVVM architecture?

Q081. What are the different CSS options available in Angular?
Q082. What is server-side rendering in Angular?
Q083. What is Angular Universal?
Q084. What is the purpose of metadata JSON files?
Q085. What is angular animation?
Q086. How to inject the dynamic script in Angular?
Q087. What is a service worker and its role in Angular?
Q088. How do you pass headers for HTTP clients?
Q089. How to use polyfills in Angular application?
Q090. What are the security principles in Angular?

Q091. What is the Angular security model for preventing XSS attacks?
Q092. Does Angular prevent http-level vulnerabilities like CSRF or XSRF?
Q093. What is the purpose of innerHTML?
Q094. What is the difference between interpolated content and innerHTML?
Q095. What is Sanitization? Does Angular support it?
Q096. How do you prevent automatic sanitization?
Q097. What is the purpose of FormBuilder?
Q098. What are the types of validator functions?
Q099. What is ng-content and its purpose?
Q100. What is a standalone component? How to create a standalone component using CLI command?

Q101. What are custom elements? Do you need to bootstrap custom elements?
Q102. What is the difference between authentication and authorization? How do authentication and authorization work in Angular?
Q103. What is the difference between ng build and ng serve command?
Q104. What is the purpose of the dist folder in Angular? When the dist folder is created?
Q105. What is the difference between ng build and ng build --prod in Angular CLI?
Q106.  What is the difference between JavaScript vs TypeScript?
Q107. What are the different data types supported by TypeScript?
Q108. What is Transpiling in Angular?
Q109. What are the different configuration JSON files available in the Angular project?
Q110.  What is the use of angular.json file and tsconfig.json file?

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