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Shadowing or Hiding in C#

In C# you can hide the methods of the base class from the derived class, this concept is known as Method Hiding or Method Shadowing. The term "Shadowing" is normally used in VB.Net which is known as "Hiding" in C#.Net. Read More...

Virtual Methods and Method Overriding C#

Virtual methods are used to implement dynamic binding. The virtual keyword can be used to modify a method, property, indexer, or event declaration which allows it to be overridden in a derived class. Read More...

Abstract Class and Method in C#

Data Abstraction is the process of hiding certain details and showing only essential information to the user. In C# abstraction can be achieved with either abstract classes or interfaces. Read More...

Sealed Class and Method in C#

Sealing is often used to encapsulate a logic that needs to be used across the application but without any alteration to it. A sealed class is used to define the inheritance level of a class. Read More...

Static Class, Constructor and Method in C#

In C# classes, constructors, methods, variables, properties, events, and operators can be defined as static using the static modifier keyword. But the interface, structure, indexers, enum, and destructors or finalizers cannot be declared as static. Read More...

Partial Method with live Examples in C#

We know that we can declare a function signature only either in an abstract class as an abstract method or in an interface; otherwise, you must have to provide the definition to the method where you are declaring the function except extern methods. But you can declare the method signature without body also by partial keyword. Read More...

Partial Classes with Real Examples in C#

In C#, you can split the implementation of a class, interface, or struct in multiple files using the partial keyword. The partial keyword is used to create partial types. The partial keyword indicates that other parts of the class, interface, struct, or method can be defined anywhere in the namespace. Read More...

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